Sunday 17 October 2010

Day 25: your day in detail

Here goes (there is a few things i left out like using the bathroom and things like that as nobody really wants to know that):
    I woke up this morning at about half past 8 with the dog whining to go out so i got up took her down stairs and gave her breakfast and opened the back door. i went back up to bed just for another hour as it is a Sunday, i ended up sleeping till 12:05, its OK my mom was making dinner, i was woken by the woman next door shouting over the fence saying something about a dog then my dad leaving the house and then coming back so i started to get dresses when my mom called me on the intercom (yes we have intercom phones in almost every room in the house as its better than waking the babies next door by shouting up stairs) to say my dinner was done, so me and the MR got up and went down stairs, it turns out it was my dog that had gotten into her garden, so she had to be shut inside, i sat down to have my dinner, pulled pork, stuffing, cauliflower, sprouts (yes i love my veg who'd of though) roast potatoes and gravy. Then i did the dogs dinner. Then we worked out where the dog had got through to next door it turns out she is small enough to fit through the little gaps in the wire fence then through the bush the other side. So we got a long piece of rope and linked it to her harness and tied it in the house, she really didn't like it as she couldn't go very far. Then my dad said about calling the guy to get new fence, i asked how much just the stuff would cost to do it as we have done my brothers fence before so it shouldn't be too hard but he was adamant that the hedge would have to come out but i dint see why as it in on next doors side so she can sort it. but he was having none of it. Then me and the MR watched some movies. Then we gave the dog a bath and sat in the living room drying her, she isn't allowed in the living room unless she is on the sofa as we have new carpet and my dad doesn't want 'mess' on it. Then it was time for the MR to head home so i took the opportunity to take the dog out so we walked to the bus station then back home, do you think she would sit at any road i came across on the way back, erm no i had to hold down her butt. When i got back i gave her supper and came on the net and checked my AOL email and my yahoo email, then facebook then came on here to update you guys. When i am finished this i will be copying it to stick on my other blog that i am also doing the 30 day challenge and then read all the updates from everyone. Then i will settle down and watch TV before taking the dog up to bed and go to sleep.

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