Mimi's page

I have done a post about my baby Mimi but i think she deserves a page all to herself.

Here she is, born 30th June 2010 at brook farm kennels. We got her when she was 9 weeks and oh so tiny, i chose her because she was the little one who was hiding in the corner while her brothers and sisters got all excited so i just had to save her.
She is a Blenheim cavalier king Charles spaniel.

These first pictures were the first day we got her home, i put her in the box as i had to pop out and thought she would feel safer in the box, well she managed to jump out while i was gone but i forgot to put paper down so i had a bit of mess to clean up.

Then we have a few days later when she was more comfortable with us and was playing with her toys.

Now we have her in her red jumper, she started to go outside but as she was so small she was a bit cold so i got her a few jumpers.

Here my mom thought it would be a good idea to take this picture, i was trying to get the cake tins out the cupboard and she decided my legs were the best place for a nap, lol.

I couldn't help myself but buy this little costume even though it was too big it will last till she is bigger, she doesn't look to pleased but she is cute.

My early morning wake up call.

Caught having a snuggle with her pink duck.

Rather tired after our long walk,

Then fell asleep as soon as we got home.

She had to find the weirdest place to sleep.

Here on a walk up clent hills with mommy and daddy.
4 months 2 weeks 1 day, 14/11/2010.

Sunday 28th November 2010 Mimis first frost in her nice warm new coat.

Tuesday 30th November 2010, Mimis first snow.

Thursday 2nd December 2010

Mimi didnt eat her dinner yesterday or her supper but was having this weird gurgling sound in her tummy, i was a little bit concerned, she was sick a couple of times too. This morning there was still some gurgling and she didnt eat her breakfast right away. We went out shopping and came back and she had eaten it, She didnt seem to lose any energy or anything like that so i am just going to watch what she is eating and see if her poop is normal.
5 Months and 2 days old 2/12/10.

I forgot to write again about the above problem but it all sorted its self out she doesnt always eat all of her meals but she doesnt see to be ill so she should be ok.

5 months 2 weeks old 13/12/10


HOWLP!!!! I iz locked in...

I gotz an idea ima gonna EAT my way out......


Mimi loves these pink balls on the tree but she worked out if she pings them hard enough they will fly off, lol, not a good idea letting her play with them.

25weeks / 6 months old.
Christmas day.

Nom nom

Mimis chirstmas dinner

'Step away from the reindeer and nobody gets hurt' lol

'Dont let her eat me!!!'

8th January 2011
6 months 10 days (27 weeks 3 days)

Look what happened to Rudolph just 2 weeks after Christmas, she managed to rip his foot off and UN twist his leg. oh dear...
Mimi has an appointment at the vets this Friday to be neutered and micro chipped. She will have to have the cone of shame and look so adorably sad its UN real, i am someone who is very emotional so lets hope i don't cry when i have to leave her. The procedure will be done on the morning and i can get her back the same day so she doesn't have to be kept in there till the Saturday, i have to take her between 8.15 and 9 am then she should be OK to come home by the afternoon, I'm scared she will hate me for making her be in pain and to wear such a silly collar but its all for a good cause, it will stop her form getting different cancer and should calm her down a little because she does get a bit excited at times. The vets are doing a 30% off offer during January and February so for the treatment, the micro chip and the cone of shame it will be little under £110 which i thought was a good deal.

Sunday 16th January 2010

Friday Mimi had her op and surprisingly she went with the vet no problems. I had to take her in at 8.15 and then i had to ring at 2 to see how things went, which everything went fine. I picked her up at 4 and she was just as excited and lively than before. She needed some rest and to not jump up but i couldn't stop her completely. She has to wear the cone of shame so i decided to make it a little bit prettier.

The bottom 3 pictures are with a pretty pink ribbon i tied round just to make her feel a bit better. We had to go back today to take off the plaster and to check she is doing good which she is. She still has a bit of swelling but that's obvious as she will not stop jumping up. The nurse says she can go for little walks for like 15 mins from now, this may use some of her energy up.

6th February 2011
31 weeks old.

Mimi recovered very well from her surgery and has been doing really well since. I was sorting out my bedroom today and had an empty box and before i filled it i thought i would take a picture of Mimi in it, its the same size as the one i put her in the first day i got her. Sometimes i just don't realise how big she is getting, but when i saw the picture next to the original i was shocked.

I cant believe how grown up she looks.

24th February 2011
7 months 3 weeks

I haven't been able to take Mimi out very ofter lately as it has been so muddy and wet she either gets stuck or just whimpers to go back, but today we decided to suck it up and go to himley for a run around.

As you can see it was a little bit on the muddy side.

A few days ago Dave gave me my camera back after he used it to put some things on ebay so i was looking through the pictures last night and Mimi saw the camera and wouldn't leave me alone until i had took her picture, like you cant tell she is my dog lol. This is what i caught.

She has a habit of climbing under the covers like she is human to sleep, so funny, she looks like E.T lol

This one was the first picture i had to take as she was sat by me watching TV (she loves watching tv with me) but as soon as she saw the camera she wouldn't leave me alone until i had taken it.

14th March 2011

36 weeks old

I have been neglecting you a little, i have a few photos that i completly forgot to upload so here they are.

I can see you!!!
This is the life
I wonder if crufts is on yet????
This really is the life
Evedence of my new toy, mc duck (like mc chicken sandwich because im gonna eat it at some point), im white and got all my feet and wings but for how long???
I love pizza crust
SMILE!!! i did say i liked pizza crust.

We have been having so much fun the last few days, crufts has been on tv and she loved it, she even started barking as if she was answering the dogs on there, i wish she was good enough to do that though.

Also i got a new product this week, as Mimi is a cavalier she has a great instinct to chase anything even just a leaf and so she pulls on her lead, so in the past i have gone through, 3 collars, 2 regular harnesses, one no pull harness and none of these stop her from pulling, so i found this one where she is led from under her chin, i was a bit sceptical as none of the others has worked, but this one is like a collar with a little loop that goes over her nose and then the lead attaches to the bottom of the loop, when writing it down it all sounds like some kind of torture thing but really its not. I put it on and for a bit she didn't like it but then realised that it meant we were going for a walk, so normally as soon as the lead is on she is pulling out the door but with this she couldn't, yes she got a little bit irritated that she couldn't run off but by the time we had gotten 100 yards up the road she had calmed down and we had a great an pleasant walk.