Thursday 10 March 2011

Millies cookies

I think i have an obsession and need to go to confession, well as i don't go to confession i will just confess on here.

Ever since i had my first Millie's cookie i knew they were something else, now most of the time when i go to the shopping centre i try to avoid it as i never just get 1 or 2 i get the share box of 12!!! Which is what i did today. While the guy was wrapping them i saw they did a years supply for £35 so i asked how many that was exactly. He said for the £35 you get 12 gift cards that are worth one 12 share box, which works out to be half price, it sounded like a good deal but he made it a great deal by saying it doesn't have to be used one a month and there are no expiration date on them so i could get them all now or i could get them anytime. Well as i love them i decided to get me the years supply. (Just the years supply cards not actually get the 12 boxes that would just be greedy) So i spent a total of £40.99 on cookies today. lol. Then i walked away from the shop and thought of an amazing idea. I am going to get Millie's cookies for the wedding. at £35 for 144 cookies i think that is a great price. I was going to make my own but with getting the ingredient and making them then re-buying as i have eaten them all it would be cheaper to get these and i can put them on the candy table. MMMMMMMM.

12 share box plus my 12 gift cards in a nice little box.


  1. What a great idea Amy and they do look mouth watering, I dare not show the photo to my Kirra as she would insist upon me going out and buying an abundance of cookies (just for her).

  2. When i get me some millies cookies i go to the pet shop where they sell homemade cheese biscuits so she doesnt eat all mine
