Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Day 3-your first love.

When i was in school i had a few boyfriends who i thought at the time i loved. It was only when i agreed to meet up with Dave that the feelings were so intense that i realised that i felt very strongly for the other guys (who in their defence were awesome guys but it just didn't work out i was never cheated on or anything like that and i still talk to them) but the feelings were so much different this time. That's when i knew i was going to spend the rest of my life with him.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Day 2-Meaning behind your blog name

Well the meaning of my blog is pretty self explanatory, it is a blog (mostly) about my big day in preparation, i wanted somewhere that i could have my little rants and ideas all on one place and just so that maybe not now but in the future people will want to take inspiration from it.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Day 1-Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts.

Here is my second 30 day challenge.
Day 1-Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts.

Right, my name is Amy and i am 23 years old, i live in Dudley which is in the UK. I currently live at home with my parents and little brother younger brother, (i keep calling him my little brother but he is not so little any more he is taller than me). I have a puppy called Mimi, a rabbit called bob and 2 chip monks called chip and monk. I am engaged to an amazing guy and we have our wedding booked for September 2012 3 days after i turn 25. I love to read, i have done since i was very young i ready the hobbit and lord of the rings by the time i was 10 and i like to read at least one book a month but sometimes if i have a busy month or it is a very log book i wont pressure myself too much. I also love watching American shows like 18 kids and counting and just started watching a new one called 'quints by suprise' it isn't on TV over here yet but i watch it online. I also love food shows like 'diners, drive-ins and dives' and 'man vs food' i think this could be the reason i find it hard to lose weight as i love cooking.I enjoy taking my dog for a walk but hate it when she wont sit at the kerb, i think its because its too cold on her but, lol.

Here is a recent picture of me:

This is me, obviously, me and my mom did a midnight walk for the Mary Stevens hospice which my grandad has been helping with for quite a few years and they like it if people would dress up, well me being me i had to go out and get me a new costume so i decided on a bee, my mom went as a hula girl (with leggings and a tshirt underneath as it was the middle of the night and we are not that into showing our wiggly bits lol.). it was so much fun.

Now my 15 interesting facts.

I am ever so slightly addicted to Pepsi max, i drink it everyday.

I was paralysed from the waist down for 2 days when i was 18 after a car accident.

I keep it a secret from most of the people i know that i am infertile and am waiting for IVF (so if you are reading this and know me please don't say anything on facebook, i don't want everyone talking about me any more than they already do)

I am debt free!

I have an OCD that irritates me so much, i cant help but sing a song if just the mention of it comes up, or a TV advert, or just a saying from a movie, i just have to do it and i get annoyed with myself about it.

I am a very emotional person but i don't really show it.

I am a secret nerd, geek, swat, dork, you get the picture.

I have read the bible in full, (not in the right order but i don't feel this is necessary)

I plan on going to uni after i am married to do forensic science.

I wanted to do my work experience in a morgue where they make-up the dead people. but they said they couldn't just in case we were emotionally scared from it, lol.

My mom is my best friend.

I love Lillie's.

I enjoy working in a factory, yes i know that sounds weird but i do.

I haven't seen my bedroom floor so much in the past 10 years than i have in the last 2 months since getting my dog.

I proved the bra show wrong when i was measured for a bra. they measured me as a 40D, when i tried it on it was too big round but way to small in the cups so i went back to my usual size which is 36/38 FF/G this all depends on where i get my bras from and what style they are.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Day 30: a dream for the future

Wow i am done with this challenge already. I have found another one which i will post this list after this final day then start either tomorrow or Monday.

Day 30: a dream for the future.

My dream for the future is in most part for the next 2/3 years, i am dreaming for the successful IVF, (or the miracle of natural conception) for my wedding to be the great day i am hoping it will be and to be settling into life as a wife, mother and not quite so crazy lady lol.

Day 1-Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts

Day 2-Meaning behind your blog name

Day 3-Your first love

Day 4-Your parents

Day 5-Your siblings

Day 6-A picture of something that makes you happy

Day 7-Favorite movies

Day 8-A place you've traveled to

Day 9-A picture of your friends

Day 10-Something you're afraid of

Day 11-Favorite tv shows

Day 12-What you believe

Day 13-Goals

Day 14-A picture you love

Day 15-Bible verse

Day 16-Dream house

Day 17-Something you're looking forward to

Day 18-Something you regret

Day 19-Something you miss

Day 20-Nicknames

Day 21-Picture of yourself

Day 22-Favorite city

Day 23-Favorite vacation

Day 24-Something you've learned

Day 25-Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs

Day 26-Picture of your family

Day 27-Pets

Day 28-Something that stresses you out

Day 29-3 Wishes

Day 30-a picture
There are a few points on this one that will be similar to the 30 day challenge i have just finished but there are a lot of different ones too and it gets me blogging even if i don't have much to blog about.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Day 28: whats in your handbag/purse and Day 29 - hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days

Day 28: whats in your handbag/ purse.

Love this one as i have so much in my bag that it may take a while, lol.

My handbag is a juno cross body patent bag in electric blue. (below is a picture from google not my actual bag.)

This bag it awesome its like mary poppins bag.

3 hospital letters (appointment, SA info, IVF guidelines)
a pay slip
a cd with pictures i had printed at boots
tum tums
small bag with tampons (forgot to take out now i have moon cup)
anti bacterial hand wash
eye drops
small bottle mouth wash
small tub face cream
small empty tub
organic detoxing foundation
breath spray
nail file
house keys
half pack halls soothers
3 lolly pops
bra extension
4 used cinema tickets (inception, sex and the city 2, the last exorcism and devil)
17 used bus tickets
4 boots weight receipts
7 doggy treats
doggy poop bags
I didn't realise just how much i do have in my bag, lol, wow.

Day 29: my hopes dreams and plans for the next 365 days.

This for me is mostly focused around fertility treatment, there will be normal day to day things like spending time with my family and that sort of thing but i am trying so hard with my weight so that i am healthy for IVF, i am also trying to read as much as i can so that i know as much as possible so that there are no nasty surprises around the corner. I am debt free now so i am concentrating on paying for my wedding too which isn't in the next 365 days but if i was asked this again after the 365 days is up then i think it would be different as i am hoping and praying that and treatment we are given will work in the next 365 days and so after that i wouldn't have as much to be stressed about, but i know from statistics and other peoples blogs that the hoping and praying doesn't always come through.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Day 27: your worst habit

Before i get on to day 27 i just need to explain about where day 26 is. well its on where, i decided with the week i have had i can hardly remember if it happened last week or 3 weeks ago and i really don't want to try to remember it all and put it on here, i know i am sort of cheating on the challenge but i have managed them all so far so i think i am allowed.
Day 27
I would have to say my worst habit would have to be putting myself down, i cant help it i have done it for so long now that i don't realise i do it, i do it all the time. i don't think there really is any thing else i can say about this as it is quite self explanatory. My other worse habit is the exact same thing as my OCD which is bursting into song or spouting of a quote mid conversation when a word or phrase sets me off.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Day 25: your day in detail

Here goes (there is a few things i left out like using the bathroom and things like that as nobody really wants to know that):
    I woke up this morning at about half past 8 with the dog whining to go out so i got up took her down stairs and gave her breakfast and opened the back door. i went back up to bed just for another hour as it is a Sunday, i ended up sleeping till 12:05, its OK my mom was making dinner, i was woken by the woman next door shouting over the fence saying something about a dog then my dad leaving the house and then coming back so i started to get dresses when my mom called me on the intercom (yes we have intercom phones in almost every room in the house as its better than waking the babies next door by shouting up stairs) to say my dinner was done, so me and the MR got up and went down stairs, it turns out it was my dog that had gotten into her garden, so she had to be shut inside, i sat down to have my dinner, pulled pork, stuffing, cauliflower, sprouts (yes i love my veg who'd of though) roast potatoes and gravy. Then i did the dogs dinner. Then we worked out where the dog had got through to next door it turns out she is small enough to fit through the little gaps in the wire fence then through the bush the other side. So we got a long piece of rope and linked it to her harness and tied it in the house, she really didn't like it as she couldn't go very far. Then my dad said about calling the guy to get new fence, i asked how much just the stuff would cost to do it as we have done my brothers fence before so it shouldn't be too hard but he was adamant that the hedge would have to come out but i dint see why as it in on next doors side so she can sort it. but he was having none of it. Then me and the MR watched some movies. Then we gave the dog a bath and sat in the living room drying her, she isn't allowed in the living room unless she is on the sofa as we have new carpet and my dad doesn't want 'mess' on it. Then it was time for the MR to head home so i took the opportunity to take the dog out so we walked to the bus station then back home, do you think she would sit at any road i came across on the way back, erm no i had to hold down her butt. When i got back i gave her supper and came on the net and checked my AOL email and my yahoo email, then facebook then came on here to update you guys. When i am finished this i will be copying it to stick on my other blog that i am also doing the 30 day challenge and then read all the updates from everyone. Then i will settle down and watch TV before taking the dog up to bed and go to sleep.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Weight loss page

As you can see i have places a new page near the top of my blog with the heading weight loss. I know i have said that i wasn't really that bothered about losing weight just wanting to tone up, well i went to my fertility specialist on Thursday and we found out some not so great news, the MR's results were not so good, meaning the clomid treatment cannot happen and IUI would not work so we were referred to the IVF specialist to be put on the waiting list. They gave us a form with all the criteria that we had to meet before we could have IVF, this was we had to be over 23 (i just turned 23 nearly a month ago) we had to be trying for over 3 years (its been nearly 3 and half years), we have to be non-smokers (neither of us smoke or have ever smoked), neither of us could have children already (neither of us do), and one main thing is my BMI can not be below 19 or above 30, if it is then they will turn us away (i am currently 29 but different scales tell me different things). Because of this i am aiming to be a BMI of at most 27 this way i will be well within the limits. This shouldn't make much of a difference to my wedding dress if i stay at that weight but right now if it means my dress doesn't fit but i have the longed for baby then i would get a different dress, the dress will be there for one day but the baby is in my prayers everyday.

Day 24: where i live.

I live in a town called Dudley. it is in the West midlands, right in the middle of that little red bit above.

View Larger Map

I live in the house right at the end of the block witht he blue door. I have lived here for nearly 11 years now.

 I live 5 minute walk away from the town centre which is right next to Dudley zoo and castle.

After living here all my life and seeing it from my door step its only when i see it in a picture that i realise just how lucky i am to have something like this right on my door step, it really is beautiful.

Just down the road from the zoo is the Black country living museum, i used to love going there when i was younger, it isn't like other museums they have taken old buildings and transport them to there, it is like a little town, they have an old style fish and chip shop, traditional sweets all made the same way they used to in the 1800's with the little metal presses. The people who work there are all in period clothes, its so much fun.

A short drive from my town is Merry hill shopping centre where you can get almost everything.

Then finally not too far away (about half an hour due to the heavy traffic) we have the world famous Bullring centre in Birmingham.

Like i have said, as i have lived here for all my life i don't always appreciate it but really i am quite lucky to live somewhere that has quite a lot of character

Friday, 15 October 2010

Day 23: a youtube video

Wow this one is going to be quite good, this video will always put a smile on my face as i explained on the challenge day for website, i just didnt want to ruin it for today when i can post the video that will always put a smile on my face even after the news i got yesterday, so here it is.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Day 22: a website

This would have to be between Blogger, facebook and youtube.

Blogger because i just love reading all the blogs either about TTC or wedding planning, it takes my mind off my problems even if it is for a few minutes, i would say i read up almost everyday.

Facebook because a lot of my friends have gone away to uni and some i just don't get to see so i can just stay up to date with them.

Youtube because even when i feel really down i can always find a funny video on there that brings me around.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Day 21: a recipe.

Today is a recipe but i really cant think of just one that i want to do so i am going to do a 3 course.

First course: butternut squash and pumpkin soup. (this has no measurements as it is my recipe that i made so it is done by taste)

A small pumpkin

Small butternut squash

Quarter of an onion

2 Potatoes

Half pot of single cream

Chicken stock

Salt and pepper to taste

Half the butternut squash and remover all there seeds, place both sides cut side up on a baking tray.

Section the pumpkin and remove the seeds and remove the skin, place the sections on a baking tray.

Bake both until soft.

Peel the potatoes and cut into small sections and boil till soft.

Cut the onion small then fry until they start to colour.

Cut the pumpkin and squash into small chunks and place in the chicken stock with the onions and potatoes and reduce.

Put all into a blender until smooth.

Add the cream to a pan and heat till mixed.

Add salt and pepper to taste.

Serve with crusty bread.

Second course: Thyme for chicken for 2. (again not really have measurements just trial and error)

2 Medium to large chicken breasts.

4 Slices of Italian pancetta (you can use bacon or other thin meats.)

Cheese of your choice (i have used cheddar, mozzarella or Parmesan before)

2 sprigs of thyme

Take the chicken breasts one at a time and place between cling wrap.

Bash with a rolling pin until half inch thick.

Strip the thyme from the stalk and lightly sprinkle over the chicken.

Finely grate the cheese onto the chicken.

Wrap the chicken with the pancetta (or other meat) and press.

Lightly oil a pan and fry until outer meat is crisp. (check the chicken is cooked too)

Serve with a light BBQ sauce and a baked potato or side salad.

Third course: chocolate fondant. (these measurements are to make around 4 depending on the size of ramekins.)

170g margarine

170g caster sugar

110g self raising flour

85g cooking chocolate powder

3 eggs

Sieve together the flour and chocolate powder.

Cream together the margarine and sugar into a bowl.

In a separate bowl beat the eggs.

Mix together the eggs with the margarine and sugar mix.

Add flour mix one table spoon at a time.

oil the inside of the ramekins and dust with the chocolate powder.

Divide into ramekins and place in the oven on gas mark 4 for 10 - 12 minutes.

When just firm to the touch turn them out onto a plate and serve with ice cream of your choice.

Well there is my recipes, it would be so awesome if i could go on to master chef or a show like that i have my menu planned already.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Day 20 - a hobby of yours

Well i am just about in time for today as it is 11:53pm so i have a few minutes, a hobby of mine would have to be making things. Yes i know that is very vague but i do like to make almost anything, cakes, cards, wedding projects and flower arrangements and bouquets. i took a short course in flower arranging mainly so i had some sort of in sight of what would work for my wedding flowers and since then i have made numerous bouquets for different people and occasions. I love to make cakes so much i could bake all day, big cakes, small cakes, birthday cakes well cakes for any reason. that could be part of the reason i find it harder to manage my weight lol.

So see you tomorrow.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Day 18: my wedding/future wedding/past wedding and Day 19 a talent of yours.

Well i missed a day again so here is 2 for you.

Day 18: my wedding/future wedding/past wedding.
Well this is pretty easy just read the rest of my blog from the beginning you can find everything about my wedding so far its going to be awesome.

Day 19: a talent of yours.
I have a few talents that are not great like playing the piano and the double bass, but i have to give the strangest one i can think of, so here goes.
When i was younger i was riding my brothers bike when someone drove a remote controlled car in front of me and i was not able to stop so i went head first over the handlebars and cut up all my face. in doing so i think i might have broken my nose as it used to have a little bump in it but now there isn't but we never found out if it was broken or not. Well since then if i wiggle my nose in a certain way i can catch the nerve and cause myself to sneeze, lol. i know why would you need to do this but it served me well when i was in high school and didn't want to go to school i could look like i had the flu or something, i still sometimes do it now if i don't want to do something i will make myself sneeze and get out of it, it doesn't always get me out of it though, lol.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Day 17: and art piece (painting, sculpture, etc).

I would have to say my favourite art piece would have to Andy Worhol with Marilyn Monroe.

Day 16 part 2

As I said yesterday the 2 songs that make me cry or tear up everytime I listen to them are 'Held' and 'In better hands' by Natalie Grant. Hear is the video for 'In better hands'.

Here is the video for 'held'.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Day 16: a song that makes you cry (or nearly)

There are a couple of songs that bring me so close to tears and these are both Natalie Grant, the one is on my top 5 songs i did in this challenge that is called held then the other one is called better hands now, i will do a bit more of a post on these 2 songs tomorrow but it is late and the dog wont let me carry on so i will leave you for now. see you tomorrow.

Thursday, 7 October 2010


Well i had a loan 3 years ago and decided to split the payments over weeks instead of months just because i get paid weekly so it was just easier, well as this is the case when it is a 5 week month (whenever there is 5 Fridays in a month) i cancel one of the payments so that i get that money to myself. Well yesterday was the day that i have to ring them so that they can stop this weeks payment, so i ring up the guy and give him my name post code and password on my account and he asked if i only had one loan with them, which i do, and he said he just needs to check the details again, so i gave him my name, postcode and password and he said that it is showing that the balance was £0, i thought they had got this wrong as i was supposed to be paying for it till like march, but he said there isn't any more payments due and i could cancel the direct debit at my bank. i logged onto my online banking and sure enough the direct debit had been canceled. It turns out because i had divided it up i was paying more so it was paid off a lot quicker. Go me, for the past like 3 years i have been trying so hard to not be in debt so most of my spare money has been spent on paying off everything i owe, now after all that i am now debt free other than on going things like phone contract and pet insurance and my laptop which is on a buy now pay next year. This means i will be able to pay off the hotel and seat covers in a matter of weeks and not have to wait for over a year for it to be paid. I am so proud of myself for being able to do that and to have been so disciplined for the past few years to become DEBT FREE!!!!!!!!

Day 15: your dream home

I can imagine everyone wanting a huge mansion with 10's of rooms and cinemas and games rooms but what really want is a cute little American style home with the little white fence around it. nothing too big just maybe 3 or 4 bedrooms 2 sitting rooms a reasonable size kitchen but one thing it does need is a big enough closet, lol. I know that having this house here in the UK is not going to happen but it would have to be blue too. that's just screams home to me not just a house. Below are some of the sort of house that would be my dream home.

Aaaawwwww they are just so cute, you can just imagine living in a street with a lot of houses that look similar just in different colours, the only problem is over here a house like this would have to be specially made and would probably cost anything from £300,000 to £1million, which i don't think i am going to get any time soon.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Day 14: a non-fiction book

I am going to have to go with Miley Cyrus's autobiography 'miles to go' for this one, i read this while on my way to snowdon last year and it was awesome, i only put it down when it got too dark to read and my torch ran out, i loved it, i know a lot of people were saying how could a 16 year old girl have enough life experiences to write an autobiography but as she started her career so early she has been through a lot that some of us normal folk wont have been through by the time we are in our 30's so this is the reason she is my choice for non-fiction book.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Day 13: a fiction book.

I have written about this book in one of the previous challenges and its called kissed by an angel. Below you can find the official write up of it and a cover picture. Kissed by and angel is supposed to be a trilogy but they republished into one.

In a romantic and suspenseful collection of the New York Times bestselling trilogy, love's unbreakable bonds are put to the test.
When her boyfriend, Tristan, died, Ivy thought she'd lost everything, even her faith in angels. But now she's discovered that he's her guardian angel -- his presence so strong that she can feel the touch of his hand, the beat of his heart. Ivy needs Tristan now more than ever because he knows she's in terrible danger. Only Ivy's guardian angel can save her now that his killer is after her.
But if Tristan rescues Ivy, his mission on earth will be finished, and he must leave her behind forever. Will saving Ivy mean losing her just when he's finally reached her again?

Monday, 4 October 2010

Day 12: something you are OCD about.

I have this really bad OCD of quoting, it can be movies or songs but i have to do it, i have even got to the point where i can be mid sentence and have to say my quote then carry on, my mom has grown to deal with this but things like the following are what happen:

  • The flash 'AAHHAA' on my camera is broken.
  • (while baking with my mom) MOM: you only need a spoon full, ME: of sugar helps the medicine go down.
  • MOM: what time are they working till today? ME: 'workin' 9 to 5' (sang in the style of the great dolly parton)
  • (while setting up my moms new computer) ME: plug it in plug it in. (like from the air freshener advert)
  • (this one is a little bit different but i cant help but saying it every time) When i hear Morrisons it always reminds me of Mario so i end up calling it marrisons then insist on doing the theme tune. yes i know but i cant help it.
While i am sat here i am finding it rather hard to think of them but like my mom has just said she cant remember them until i say them anymore as its just so common these days.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Day 10: a photo taken over 10 years ago of you, and Day 11:a photo of you recently.

I am a day behind but i am doing a double post so here goes.

Day 10: a photo taken over 10 years ago of you.

This photo has got to have been from when i was about 3 or 4 so it is nearer 20 years old but its over 10 years. My mom used to get novelty knitting patterns and knit me loads of jumpers and as i love having my photo taken i was more than willing to strike a pose. I am so glad my parents had cameras when i was growing up. I am such a little poser i cant help it, lol.

Day 11: A photo of you recently.
This photo was taken about 2 months ago when i was out looking for the right tiara for my wedding, i wish my hair was longer and i was wearing some make-up but i just love my tiara, that's why i chose this picture.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Day 9: a photo i took.

I have 2 favourite photos that i have taken that i just have to put both of them here.

This first picture looks so exotic like i had been to Asia but it was actually taking while waiting for a ride at Animal Kingdom in Florida. Me and the Mr went there in 2008 and i couldnt believe all the different things there was to take pictures of, i went like 6000 miles in one direction but came back with pictures that look like i went 6000 miles in the other direction. I just love this picture though.

The next picture is one i took at the begining of this week, the Mr had got me a huge bouquet of flowers for my birthday and they had just started to bloom so when one was fully open i had to take a picture of it, they were so beautiful. My mom saw this picture and said it looks like it could have been a proffesional picture, all this from a £100 camera.